Centurion Military Institute
A College Preparatory, Career & Technical Public Charter School
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School Terms (Semesters)
There are four academic terms or semesters in CMI's school year: Summer Intercession, Fall Semester, Winter Intercession, and Spring Semester.

Summer Intersession begins in early July, the Fall Semester begins in late August and ends before the Winter Holidays, the Winter Intersession begins in early January, and the Spring Semester begins in mid February. Vacation periods of one to three weeks occur between each term.

There are approximately 83 days in each semester and 24 days in each intersession for a total of 214 days of instruction per year -- an increase of 34 days over the traditional 180 day public school calendar.

The Fall and Spring semesters generally consist of a core curriculum in mathematics, English, science, the social sciences, foreign language, physical education and military training. In addition each Cadet will choose additional elective classes.

The Summer and Winter Intercessions are opportunities for remediation and reclamation (when necessary) as well as an opportunity for elective exploration outside the core curriculum.

Intersessions provide cadets with the opportunity to demonstrate their leadership skills by assisting faculty with classes and with the Orientation and Training Boot Camp program for incoming Cadets.

School Day
A typical school day starts at 7:45 am with Morning Formation and ends at 5:05 pm following Evening Retreat.

For students desiring or needing an additional class there are also optional early morning, late afternoon, and Saturday class periods.

In addition to the regular schedule, multiple intervention opportunities are built into the CMI program. The Advisory/Intervention schedule accommodates both those who "can't learn" and those who "won't learn".

The evening and weekend study hall and tutoring programs assist those in need of extra help as well as those who are striving for excellence.

Regular Schedule
Period 0
   & Breakfast Service
7:00 AM7:45 AM
First Bell7:45 AM 
Formation7:50 AM8:05 AM
Period 18:10 AM9:00 AM
Period 29:05 AM9:55 AM
Morning Nutrition9:55 AM10:10 AM
Period 310:15 AM11:05 AM
Period 411:10 AM12:00 PM
Lunch12:00 PM12:50 PM
Period 512:55 PM1:45 PM
Period 61:50 PM2:40 PM
Afternoon Snack2:45 PM3:00 PM
Period 73:05 PM3:55 PM
Period 84:00 PM4:50 PM
Retreat4:55 PM5:05 PM
Campus Enrichment5:10 PM10:00 PM

New Students
The school year for new students begins in early July during Summer Intersession ; Cadet-Candidates will commence their tenure at CMI with a rigorous 24-day Orientation and Training Boot Camp program designed to test their physical and mental abilities, begin any necessary remediation, acclimate the Cadet-Candidates to CMI and prepare them for life as CMI Cadets. This military training portion of the program will be conducted by upper-class cadets under the supervision of CMI staff who will serve as advisers.

Academic remediation classes will be taught by CMI teachers and instructors. Upon successful completion of the summer training program Cadet-Candidates will be admitted to CMI as Cadets.

Orientation and Training Boot Camp will be an intense period of military instruction, discipline, and physical training with an emphasis on leadership and team building. A portion of Orientation and Training Boot Camp may take place off campus in a one to two-week residential program at a California National Guard or United States Military facility where students will participate in land navigation, military skills, close-order drill, physical training, and leadership development courses.

Academic Excellence

CMI's demanding academic program includes language arts, math, science and history, as well as world languages, leadership, and physical fitness training. CMI seeks and supports students who have ambition and are ready to take responsibility for their own learning.

CMI understands that some cadets will enter CMI performing below grade level standards and that these students will need to be supported by providing them extra opportunities to accelerate learning, i.e. intervention, Saturday school, after school classes, or study hall. It is our expectation that each cadet will take advantage of these opportunities, and through hard work, determination, and a positive attitude do whatever it takes to meet CMI's academic standards.

We also understand that some cadets will require intense support and motivation to develop the work habits, determination, and a positive attitude.

CMI will offer a positive learning environment, enhanced by leadership, teamwork, and the safe and structured discipline of the military. All cadets will participate as members of the Corps of Cadets, assuming increased responsibility through various positions of leadership. Cadets will earn a sense of pride and community at CMI by learning military customs and courtesies and by achieving promotions and awards for their accomplishments.

CMI's three pillars are to promote academic excellence, develop leaders of character, and inculcate habits of lifelong physical fitness. By participating in a military learning environment, cadets will develop personal discipline, physical fitness and leadership skills. The goal of CMI is to graduate cadets who are capable of meeting the admissions requirements for any school in the nation and who are prepared for their roles as future leaders.

Unlike traditional public and private schools that suspend and expel students at the slightess provocation, CMI is structured to provide intense intervention, counseling, and remediation to cadets who make bad choices. CMI's goal is to stop the youth to prison pipeline that has become increasing epidemic; promote academic excellence, develop leaders of character, and inculcate habits of lifelong physical fitness. By participating in a military learning environment, cadets will develop personal discipline, physical fitness and leadership skills.

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